- EJB jars in the application share the same EJB class loader.
- WAR files get their own class loader.
This is because the EJBs have inherent relationship between one another (ie EJB-EJB communication between EJBs in different applications but hosted on the same JVM) but the Web modules do not. Every WAR file should be able to have its own WEB-INF/lib third party libraries and need to be able to load its own version of converted logon.jsp Servlet so each WEB module is isolated in its own class loader.
So if two different WEB modules want to use two different versions of the same EJB then we need to have two different ear files. In Java section the class loaders use a delegation model where the child class loaders delegate the loading up the hierarchy to their parent before trying to load it itself only if the parent can’t load it. But with regards to WAR class loaders, some application servers provide a setting to turn this behaviour off (DelegationMode=false). This delegation mode is recommended in the Servlet 2.3 specification.